Attributable to the equity holders of the Company
Other reserves
Share capital
Share premium account
Investment in own shares
Capital redemption reserve
Hedging reserve
Retained earnings
Total equity
Balance at 3 April 20152.0151.0(13.6)0.31.3226.7367.7
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit for the period63.563.5
Other comprehensive income
Cash flow hedges:
Fair value changes in the period4.74.7
Transfers to inventory(2.9)(2.9)
Transfers to net profit:
Cost of sales(0.6)(0.6)
Income tax on other comprehensive income0.40.4
Total other comprehensive income for the period net of tax1.61.6
Total comprehensive income for the period1.663.565.1
Transactions with owners
Share options exercised2.72.7
Share-based payment transactions3.03.0
Income tax on share-based payment transactions(0.7)(0.7)
Dividends to equity holders(32.4)(32.4)
Total transactions with owners2.7(30.1)(27.4)
Balance at 1 April 20162.0151.0(10.9)0.32.9260.1405.4
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit for the period56.456.4
Other comprehensive income
Cash flow hedges:
Fair value changes in the period14.814.8
Transfers to inventory(12.8)(12.8)
Transfers to net profit:
Cost of sales(5.1)(5.1)
Income tax on other comprehensive income0.50.5
Total other comprehensive income for the period net of tax(2.6)(2.6)
Total comprehensive income for the period(2.6)56.453.8
Transactions with owners
Share options exercised1.41.4
Share-based payment transactions1.01.0
Income tax on share-based payment transactions(0.6)(0.6)
Dividends to equity holders(53.5)(53.5)
Total transactions with owners1.4(53.1)(51.7)
Balance at 31 March 20172.0151.0(9.5)0.30.3263.4407.5

The Notes to the Financial Statements and the Notes to the Financial Statements - Company are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.