I. Analysis of movements in the Group's net debt in the period
| At 1 April 2016 £m | Cash flow £m | Other non-cash changes £m | At 31 March 2017 £m |
Cash and cash equivalents at bank and in hand | (10.8) | 8.9 | — | (1.9) |
Debt due after one year | (25.4) | (46.0) | (0.6) | (72.0) |
Total net debt excluding finance leases | (36.2) | (37.1) | (0.6) | (73.9) |
Finance leases due within one year | (0.7) | 0.6 | (1.3) | (1.4) |
Finance lease due after one year | (11.0) | — | 0.4 | (10.6) |
Total finance leases | (11.7) | 0.6 | (0.9) | (12.0) |
Total net debt | (47.9) | (36.5) | (1.5) | (85.9) |
Non-cash changes include finance costs in relation to the amortisation of capitalised debt issue costs of £0.7m (2016: £0.7m) and changes in classification between amounts due within and after one year.
Cash and cash equivalents at the period end consist of £16.5m (2016: £11.9m) of liquid assets and £18.4m (2016: £22.7m) of bank overdrafts.